Welcome to my homepage!
I hope you will like this new homepage and its wider range of topics and pictures, and in the future it will be great fun to download the background photos.
Family photos were my first encounter with photography, back in my childhood. The next step took me into the darkroom of the high school photo club. Pictures were born under the red light in enchanting fluids, and this magic transformed my interest into eternal love. After passing my final exam I went to the photography school in Práter utca, and having finished there I was let in on the secrets of the trade by the artist Ferenc Molnár.
I gained some experience, and worked as a freelance photographer at weddings, on group photos for students and on model albums (for Casting Studio and Vision Modells). Then bigger jobs came: Promix Media, Cosmed Kft, Pandhy’s sugar paste, Ultimathule Publisher (Belgium), the illustrations in the book, Sissi’s Travels, and its publication on the Web, a series of reports on the Belgian town Gent including its bookbinder school, 168 pictures illustrating the book on Saint Michiels Bridge, the catalogue for Minor Rt info terminals, reports in Cavallo Magazine, etc.
Keeping in tune with new developments I now use a digital camera, which allows me to view, record and process the pictures straight away.
But the point is that I feel truly happy because I can do what I love … and have continued to do so for more than twelve years now.